Dear Parents/Carers,
I am delighted to be able to inform you that we are now in a position to be able to distribute a Chromebook to every Year 7 student at Longfield Academy. The device will remain the property of Longfield Academy but will be given to your son/daughter to use until February 2026. We believe that having the use of a Chromebook in the academy and being able to take the device home will be invaluable in supporting your son/daughter in their studies and homework.
It will mean that he/she can access all classwork and homework no matter where they are and have full access to the Google Classrooms and all other online resources. There is no cost to you the parent, but here are some points that I would ask that you read with your son/daughter and take into consideration:
Student Responsibilities
- Students will be expected to bring the Chromebook to the academy each day fully charged for use in lessons.
- Students will ensure their best endeavours to look after the device and not accessorise or otherwise alter the appearance of the Chromebook in any way.
- Students will be able to continue with online work from home in the case of any periods of absence from the academy.
- Students should only use the Chromebooks in classes for class activities as directed by a teacher and for no other purpose.
- Any and all damage to the Chromebook must be reported on the day of or next academy day.
Parent/Carer Actions
- The Chromebook is fully insured BUT you will be asked to pay £25.00 excess via ParentPay each time the insurance policy is activated e.g. for damage or loss.
- A charger lead will be provided with the Chromebook however this is not covered by the insurance policy so must remain at home. If the charger lead was to become lost or broken it will be necessary for you to purchase a replacement.
- We strongly recommend that you purchase a Chromebook cover/case to protect the device and also ensure your child has a school bag big enough to carry the Chromebook and all the usual school equipment to and from the academy each day.
- Parent/Carer must collect the device in person from Longfield Academy. Please come between 2.15pm and 4pm on Wednesday 6 September to Reception to collect your allocated device.
- Parents/Carers will need to present a photo ID when collecting the device.
- If you are unable to attend at the above day/time please let us know and we can arrange for you to collect it at a more convenient time from Reception anytime between 9am – 3pm after the above date.
Longfield Academy
- Will provide the device to the parent/carer for the student’s use in accordance with the agreement.
- Will provide guidance in lessons to ensure that students are fully aware of how best to use the G-Suite to support them in their learning.
- Will support students in the future with any claims and communicate with parents/carers if the need arises.
If you have any questions then please email
Yours faithfully,
Dr Felix Donkor