Complaints Procedure

The aim of Longfield Academy’s complaints procedure is to ensure that complaints relating to the Academy are handled in a timely and professional manner.

Initial Concerns

Longfield Academy always try to work alongside parents, carers and other relevant parties to ensure that all stakeholders are fully satisfied with the policy, practice and service that the academy provides for our young people.  We appreciate that occasionally there may be specific aspects that you may wish to discuss further or that you are dissatisfied with.  In order to work collaboratively with you, we ask that you contact the academy in the first instance to discuss your concerns.  We will endeavour to provide an initial response within 2 working days.  Please direct your question or concern in the following order:

  1. Form/Class Teacher
  2. Head of College:
    • ANDERSON COLLEGE – Contact: Mr L Anderson
    • MATISSE COLLEGE – Contact: Mr M Shaw
    • GALILEO COLLEGE – Contact: Mr D O’Leary
  3. PRINCIPAL – Dr Felix Donkor,

Formal Complaints

Should you have a complaint, please contact the Principal in the first instance.

If you deem your complaint to still be unresolved after the academy has responded, please submit a formal complaint to the Trust’s Academies Director.