KS3 Careers Information

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It is never too early to start thinking about the future. Starting to consider options from an early age, means that there is more time to explore the various pathways which lead into the future. At Longfield Academy our careers programme starts from Year 7 and continues throughout the entire school. You can find out more about what we offer by reading our careers programme page.


When you move into KS4 you will be able to get work experience. This will give you a fantastic first-hand insight into the world of work. In the meantime, there are some other great opportunities which you could consider in order to broaden your horizons and gain new skills;

  • Participating in an extra-curricular activity
  • Engaging fully with the MYP project
  • Taking on a responsibility in school (e.g. form captain or student mentor)
  • Speaking with parents/carers about their work
  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE)


The school subscribes to Unifrog; an exceptional platform which allows students to explore career options and to keep a track of their achievements; helping to develop personal statements and CVs. There is also a range of facilities which help to explain the pathways open to them at KS4 and beyond.

Unifrog logo

All students will be given a login to Unifrog and shown how to use it as part of the careers programme. You can find out more about Unifrog on our information page.

Useful Resources

Below are some other useful resources which you may find useful when exploring careers and future options: