Dear Parents/Carers,
Red Nose Day will be taking place on Friday 15th March and at Longfield Academy – we are keen to get involved.
The theme of Red Nose Day is ‘Do Something Funny for Money’ and your senior leadership team have decided to take this on.
We are going to set the challenge to our staff, students and parents to raise as much money as possible to support this wonderful charity. In return, for every £100 raised, the senior leadership team will ‘Do Something Funny for Money’.
If, as a community, we can raise:
- £300 – Mrs Shanthan will have her face painted for the day.
- £400 – Miss Garrard will dress in a fairy costume for the day
- £500 – Mr Williams will dress in Longfield uniform for the day.
- £600 – Mrs Hurt will wear a cow onesie for the day.
- £700 – Mr Shaw will wear a red nose for the day.
- £800 – Mr Anderson will be gunged.
- £900 – Mr Lane will have his legs waxed.
- £1000 – We will custard pie Mr O’Leary in the face!
If every student donated £1 – we would reach our £1000 target easily.
Please give as generously as you can – all donations welcomed. The money will go straight to the charity.
In addition to this, students and staff will be encouraged to wear an item of red clothing or a red accessory along with the rest of their uniform on Friday 15th. For example, students could replace their blazer with a red hoodie, or their shirt and tie with a red t-shirt. Further information will be sent out about this next week.
Donations can be made via our Red Nose Day Just Giving page. Just Giving. All money raised by 5pm on Thursday 14th March will be taken into account.
Thanks in advance for your generosity.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Jodie Hurt
Assistant Principal and Assistant Head of College – Matisse