Dear Parents/Carers,
As your children have now settled into their Year 11 journey, we feel that it is vital that you are as informed and equipped as possible, about how to support them through this crucial time, and how we can work together to make sure we are helping the students as best we can.
On Thursday 12th October, from 5pm – 6pm we will be providing subject-specific information about core subjects and how to support your child with their upcoming GCSEs. In addition, there will be online revision resources and apps for different subjects, practical advice for revision, stress management and suggestions for how to engage your child in the process.
Moreover, we want pupils to know that they have time to make improvements to their Year 10 PPE ( Pre Public Examinations) results and this session will help with techniques.
I would urge you to attend with your child so you can understand what we offer in school and the support you can offer at home to ensure our students achieve their best. Also, this will be a great opportunity to gather vital support information and have any of your queries answered.
I very much look forward to seeing you on the 12th October 2023.
Yours faithfully,
Navanya Shanthan (NSH)
Director of Learning Mathematics
Assistant Principal RSL- Matisse College
Longfield Academy 01474 700700 Extn 508