Start of term January 2024 letter

An external photo of a courtyard area on the academy grounds with the academy building encompassing it.

Dear Parents/carers

I hope you have had a lovely festive break and that you managed to spend some quality time with your loved ones. 

You will be aware from previous correspondences that the academy will resume for module three on Tuesday 2 January 2024. As we look forward to a positive and collaborative new year, I hope that I can continue to count on your support to ensure that learning is maximised, behaviour is impeccable, and that all students are supported so that they can fulfil their potential. 

The first day of term will include assemblies that would be focused on reminding students of our academy values of being respectful, being aspirational, and being caring. The assemblies will also offer opportunities to remind students of our behaviour expectations and attitudes towards learning.

So that your child is fully prepared for the start of the new year and is successful at the academy, I would like to draw your attention to the following:


It is our expectation that all students attend the academy school day and are punctual. We are pleased to see that many parents have ensured their children have 100% attendance and punctuality. We thank you for your support with this.

If for any reason you believe your child is unable to attend school, please contact your child’s college so that we can work with you to help improve overall attendance. Our average target for attendance is 95% and we will be following up on students whose attendance falls below this expectation without a strong reason. The follow up may include phone calls, reminder letters, penalty notices and fines. 

I am sure that as parents and carers you will agree that being in school and having the best attendance possible underpins all the many benefits of school for your child, such as their learning, wellbeing and wider development. It is for this reason that I would like to ask for your support in ensuring that your child attends school regularly and is on time each day for all their lessons. Please note that, as a parent or carer, you are legally responsible for making sure your child gets a suitable full-time education; therefore, if your child is absent from school without permission or a valid reason, you are likely to be breaking the law and the local authority may prosecute you to protect your child’s right to a full-time education


Please ensure that your child arrives at school in full and correct school uniform. Students who return to school in incorrect uniform, such as incorrect footwear, with false nails or wearing fake eyelashes, may be sent home. 

Our expectations for professional dress for our sixth form students remains.


Chromebooks are a major part of our digital strategy and are used in lessons throughout the school day. It is our expectation, therefore, that every student brings their chromebook to school every day so that they can engage fully in all lessons. Please also support us by ensuring that your child’s device is fully charged every evening.

Parking on site

I would like to remind parents/carers to avoid parking or dropping off on the site after 8.20am in the morning. This is to ensure that we are able to facilitate the safe entry and exit of coaches, and also to ensure that the site remains safe for our students with disabilities.

Only parents/carers with suitable permits should drop off/park on site after this time. 

Parents and carers can pick up their children after 3.30pm at the end of the school day for the same reasons.

Key dates for your diary

Monday 15th January 2024 Parental drop-in meeting with senior leaders
Wednesday 17th January 2024 Year 13 Progress Review
Thursday 18th January 2024 Year 11 Parent Evening
Thursday 25th January 2024 Year 13 Parent Evening
Friday 9th February INSET – No students in school
Thursday 22nd February 2024 Year 9 Parent Evening & Options
Wednesday 28th February Parental drop-in meeting with senior leaders
Thursday 29th February 2024 Year 12 Parent Evening
Monday 11th March Parental drop-in meeting with senior leaders
Thursday 21st March 2024 Year 10 Parent Evening
Wednesday 27th March Parental drop-in meeting with senior leaders
Thursday 25th April 2024 Year 7 Parent Evening
Thursday 2nd May 2024 Year 11 Information Evening 2
Wednesday 3rd July 2024 End of Year Awards Ceremony (4pm-6.30pm)
Thursday 14th September 2023 Year 11 and Year 13 Celebration Ceremony
Friday 5th July 2024 Year 11 Prom

I look forward to working closely with you to achieve great successes for all our students. 

Yours faithfully
Dr F. Donkor | Principal