Toilets – Installation of Gates

Photo of some Post 16 Longfield Academy students working on computers.

Dear Parents/Carers,

You may be aware that we have installed some gates at the toilets in the academy. I am writing this letter to inform you and also to reassure you that this has not altered access to toilet arrangements at the academy.

It has always been the case that students can use the toilets between lessons, at break and at lunch time but not during lessons. This situation has not changed except that by installing the gates we are better placed to enforce this expectation. Even so, students with medical notes or those with a desperate reason to use the toilets are still able to use the ground floor toilets at the reception area.

As I am sure you would appreciate, it is important that we keep students safe whilst on site. This includes making sure that we can account for their whereabouts at any particular time. During lessons when most teachers are teaching, we do not have the capacity to supervise all the toilet areas to ensure that students are not abusing their toilet passes, vandalising school property or engaging in inappropriate behaviours. By closing the other gates during lessons and just using the toilets at the reception during lessons we are better placed to monitor patterns and account for students.

We will of course monitor the situation and adapt as necessary but I can assure you that the decision has been taken for the good of all within our school community.

Kind Regards,

Dr F. Donkor