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Unifrog is the complete destinations platform, a one-stop-shop for whole-school careers guidance.

It is an impartial, user-friendly platform that allows students to explore pathways throughout their education, evidence key activities and competencies, and draft and collate feedback on personal statements and CVs. There is also a huge range of information available on various career paths, jobs and routes into higher education, all of which can be tailored specifically to the individual student through their interaction with the platform.

All students in Years 7 – 13 will have access to this website and be given login details. Once they have access to the platform, they are able to access the full range of resources available. As part of our careers programme built into the curriculum, students will receive a range of opportunities to interact with the platform and explore the content it has to offer.

Students are encouraged to use the platform regularly to log activities that they take part in both in school and out. In doing so, the platform will help to develop personalised support for students and can be an invaluable tool when it comes to writing personal statements or CVs.