Lessons are planned to be exciting, engaging,  inspiring and personalised. Students are constantly encouraged to be reflective and independent learners that look beyond the immediate and make connections across the curriculum.

Leigh Academies Trust – Curriculum Statement

Our central purpose is to ensure that all students within Leigh Academies Trust achieve the highest standards. These standards apply to all that students do.

We aim to develop a coherent curriculum that builds on young people’s experiences and prior learning, which enables all young people to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

  • Instill in students a thirst for learning.
  • Challenge and inspire every student to achieve high standards and make better than expected progress.
  • Close the gap and enable those not achieving age-related expectations to catch up with their peers.
  • Promote high standards in literacy, numeracy and ICT capability.
  • Provide continued entitlement to a coherent, broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Have and be able to use high-quality learning and thinking skills and become independent learners.
  • Be relevant to our students and prepare them for the here and now, for the next phase of their education, and for their future.
  • Widen horizons and raise aspirations about the world of work and further and higher education.
  • Develop the skills and attributes to enable students to participate fully and positively in democratic, modern Britain.
  • To provide a wide range of opportunities to develop Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural awareness.
  • Help students recognise that personal well-being is essential to success and lifelong learning.

School leaders, well supported by trust staff, constantly refine the curriculum to make sure it is both challenging and accessible for all pupils, including those with SEND. The curriculum is well-sequenced so that pupils build on what they already know. Pupils benefit from teachers’ strong subject knowledge. – Ofsted 2023

In response to the statement above, Longfield Academy provides a curriculum that is appropriate to the students it serves. The offer is described in the Prospectus so that prospective parents know what we provide and can take account of it in deciding if Longfield Academy is the right school for their son or daughter.

The academic year is organised around six modules of learning with reporting on student progress at least twice each year.

The Academy operates a school day of 5, 1 hour lessons. The exception to this is Wednesdays when students leave at the start of the afternoon after 4 lessons.

curriculum intent and implementation

Years 7

All students study the same broad curriculum and spend 100% of their time within College based groups. Subjects studied are Mathematics, English, Science, Design & Technology, ICT, Spanish or French, Humanities, Drama, Music, Art and PE.

Years 8 & 9

The year group is divided in uneven ‘halves’ (4 classes in one ‘half’, 3 in the other) for the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. For the remaining subjects teaching continues to be organised by College group. Subjects remain the same as Year 7 with further development of skills and attributes through the MYP.

The Academy runs a 2-year Key Stage 4 (KS4), Years 10 and 11.

At Key Stage 4, all students study English Language, English Literature and Mathematics at GCSE. They also have a lesson of Physical Education. This is not examined.

Based on Year 9 outcomes some students follow a Triple Science course and sit Biology, Chemistry and Physics GCSEs. The remainder follow the Combined Science GCSE course, the equivalent of 2 GCSEs. All students then choose one of History or Geography and will continue to study the language they have studied in year 7-9. Dependent upon whether students are doing Triple or Combined Science, students then have a choice of up to 2 further subjects

In addition to the subject-based curriculum there are several cross-curricular themes which are covered in more than one subject area – for example, e-Safety, Economic and Industrial Awareness, Enterprise and Careers, Sex, Health, Multi-cultural and Environmental Education.

Students joining the Sixth Form are encouraged to follow a broad, challenging curriculum. The normal expectation for Level 3 students is that they will take three subjects for the 2 years. Exceptional students may follow 4 courses where appropriate.

In addition, all students are offered opportunities to re-take GCSE Mathematics and English Language. The Academy provides subject specific conferences for students as well as events focusing on aspects of PSHE such as Sexual Health.

This policy is reviewed annually or more frequently if that is required.

We expect from students:

  • A commitment from each student to work and to learn.
  • Self-reliance, resilience and a sense of responsibility.
  • Respect and tolerance for others.

GCSE or equivalent qualifications offered (GCSE unless stated):

  • Mathematics
  • English Literature
  • English Language
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Combined Science
  • French
  • Spanish
  • History
  • Geography
  • Religious Studies
  • Art & Design
  • Photography
  • Computer Science
  • Digital Information Technology
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Physical Education
  • Design & Technology
  • Dance
  • Business Studies
  • Food Preparation & Nutrition