Academy Uniform

At Longfield Academy, students in Years 7-11 are expected to be of smart appearance and to wear the academy uniform on the way to and from the academy as well as during the academy day. An acceptance of a place at Longfield Academy implies an acceptance of our uniform and dress code. By requiring students to wear the Longfield Academy uniform, we hope to develop a sense of loyalty to the community of which they are members, and encourage them to take pride in their appearance.

You can view the full uniform policy from our policies page by clicking here.

Brigade Clothing TFS Clothing (Skirts only)

Some second hand uniforms items may be available for sale. For further information, please contact the academy directly.

Replacement ties can be bought from Reception for £7.50 and replacement badges for blazers for £6.00


Navy blue with badge in College colours. Blazers are to be worn at all times, this includes when travelling to and from the academy, and when moving around the academy. During hot weather, the removal of blazers when moving around the building is at the discretion of the Principal of the academy.


Trousers must be black, full-length and tailored. The fit can be straight, slim or boot-cut and fastened by a zip and/or button. Trousers must be of ‘suit material’.
The following are not acceptable;

  • Trousers which are skin tight.
  • Jeans, cargo style, leggings or jeggings.
  • Large or ‘fashion’ belts.
  • Trousers with fully elasticated waist.
  • Trousers made of a high sheen or shiny material.
  • Trousers which are not full length (e.g. ¾ length).


Only the bespoke academy skirt is permitted. The bespoke pleated kilt-style skirts are only available from the academy. They must be worn with four black buttons showing on the left hand side, and the length of the skirt must be level with the back of the knee when standing.  

Please note:  These can now also be purchased from TFS Clothing in Dartford or online.


A plain white shirt with the academy tie, or plain white blouse and no tie. No designer shirts are permitted. Shirts/blouses must be tucked in at all times, and the academy tie must always be worn with the shirt option.

Pullover (optional)

Navy, v-necked, optional Longfield logo. This is optional part of academy uniform and cannot be worn in replacement for a blazer.


Plain black, white or grey. Socks must be below the knee in length. No patterns are permitted.


Plain black or neutral. No patterns are permitted.


Plain black leather shoes are the only footwear permitted. Trainers, above ankle boots, platforms, sling backs, fabric shoes (e.g Vans) and open toed shoes and other decorated footwear are not allowed. Kickers’ style shoes/ankle boots are the only exception to the rule and they are allowed to be worn at the academy.

All students must bring full PE kit, which must be worn for each lesson regardless of illness or injury.

All P.E. kit items can be purchased from our uniform provider.

  • Longfield Academy PE polo shirt
  • Longfield Academy PE shorts – optional bottom half of uniform
  • Longfield Academy PE leggings (full length only) – optional bottom half of uniform
  • Longfield Academy PE tracksuit bottoms – optional bottom half of uniform
  • Longfield Academy PE jumper – optional; advisable for outdoor lessons; no other jumpers are acceptable
  • Trainers – non-marking soles
Photo of the Longfield Academy PE Kit as of the 2023-24 academic year.

All students must bring full PE kit, which must be worn for each lesson regardless of illness or injury.

All P.E. kit items can be purchased from our uniform provider.

School Bag

Every student must have a suitable school bag which can hold an A4 book/folder.


  • 2 pens (blue or black)
  • A pencil
  • A ruler
  • A rubber
  • A sharpener
  • A scientific calculator


Chromebook must be brought to school every day, fully charged.

Optional Items

  • Colouring pencils
  • Glue stick

Please check our Sixth Form Dress code page for the most up-to-date information

Sixth Form Dress Code

Additional Uniform Information

  • Coats – Plain coats with minimal branding are acceptable. Coats can be worn to and from the academy, and when outside, but are not to be worn in the building. Hoodies or sports clothing items are not permitted.
  • Scarves, hats & gloves – In cold weather, scarves, hats (no bandannas, hoods or caps) and gloves are only to be worn to and from the academy and these must be removed once inside the academy building. Hijabs worn for religious purposes and agreed by the academy must be plain black, and must not cover either the face or uniform.
  • Jewellery – No jewellery is permitted except for one wrist watch and a maximum of one small plain silver or gold coloured (no stones) stud earring in each ear. Belts, if worn, should be plain. Other items of jewellery will be confiscated. Nose studs or tongue studs and other forms of body piercing are not permitted. No accessories are to be worn around the neck, wrists or attached to clothing.
  • Make up – Only discreet makeup is allowed. Coloured nail varnish, false or gel nails, fake tan, false eyelashes must not be worn at any time.
  • Hair – No ‘extreme’ hairstyles are allowed. Only subtle and ‘natural looking’ hair dye is permitted. The final decision regarding what is classed as an ‘extreme hairstyle’ or ‘unnatural colour’ is at the discretion of the Principal of the academy. No decorative attachments are to be worn in the hair. Hair bands must be plain black, white or brown with a maximum of 50mm width.

Non-uniform items including jewellery may be confiscated. Students bring items such entirely at their own risk and the academy accepts no responsibility should they be damaged, lost or stolen.

Please take time to read through and understand the academy’s uniform expectations. It is extremely important that your child wears the full and correct uniform at all times. If any uniform infringements occur, your child will be asked to correct it immediately. If this can be corrected, then they will proceed to lessons, if not, then your child may have to work in isolation until such time the infringement can be rectified.

Mobile phones, smart watches and other electronic devices

  • Students are not allowed to use their mobile phones on the academy site during the academy day. If students’ mobile phones are ‘seen or heard’ on the academy site during the school day, they will be confiscated. At the end of the day, (after 3.20pm), and once the students have exited the academy building, students are allowed to use their mobile phones, so that they are able to contact the person who is picking them up if necessary.
  • iPads, iPods, MP3 players, smart watches, AirPods, etc. must not be brought to the academy.

Longfield Academy will not accept liability for any claim arising from theft, accidental loss or damage to personal effects, money, belongings or clothing whilst at the academy.

Prohibited Items

The following items are not permitted in the academy:

  • Chewing gum
  • Energy drinks
  • Tinted or cosmetic contact lenses
  • Decorative dental wear
  • Birthday balloons

Students are not permitted to sell items of confectionery, or other food or drink, on the academy site.

Large amounts of money and expensive personal items should not be brought to the academy. Longfield Academy will not accept liability for any claim arising from theft, accidental loss or damage to personal effects, money, belongings or clothing whilst at the academy.

A full list of items which are not permitted at the academy can be found in our Behaviour Policy.