
Longfield Academy Letter image.

Dear Parent/carer

Re: Chromebooks

As you know, here at Longfield we are a digital school which prides itself on making effective use of technology within lessons to enhance teaching and learning. To this end, the Trust has invested a considerable amount of funding into ensuring that children are given a loan device. Our expectation is simple; the device must be fully charged each night, and brought to school every day. Students should take care of the device and see to it that there is no loss or damage.

It has been brought to our attention that some children are, despite this considerable investment, choosing to either not bring the device to school, or to not charge it at home. I ask parents/carers to ensure that this is not the case – otherwise, your child will miss out on the opportunity to make use of the device in their lessons, nor will they develop the vital digital literacy skills which are imperative for work in the modern world.

To support our expectations, we will be conducting routine checks of chromebooks in our tutor times starting from next Monday, and continuing into the new year. Students who do not bring the device to school will receive a negative log on their file. Students who repeatedly do not meet our expectations will be sanctioned further. 

I also wish to reiterate to parents that in the event a device is broken or faulty, students must bring it immediately to the main reception. Parents/carers must not seek to repair the device themselves. Lost Damaged devices may mean that your child is without a device for a period of time whilst it goes for repair, and so please encourage your child to take responsibility for the loan of the device and take proper care of it. Devices which are found to be maliciously damaged will be investigated by the college and sanctions will be imposed upon students found to be wasting the time and resources of our system.

Together, we can build an exceptional learning community where the foundations are rooted in modern technology; empowering students to learn in a very modern way, embracing skills vital for their future careers. I am grateful for your support.

Yours faithfully

Mr M. Lowe | Assistant Principal (i/c of Digital Strategy & Online Safety)