Dear Parents/Carers
After a highly successful module one, we were delighted to welcome students back to the academy today.
This module we have a lot of exciting opportunities lined up for students including a residential PGL trip, a Year 7 bowling trip and the Leigh Academies Trust cross-country competition. In addition, we are looking forward to our fantastic end of year pantomime, Robin Hood, which takes place in the final week of the module. Students and staff have been working hard to prepare for the show and, as always, I am sure it will be a fantastic event that showcases the range of talent we have at the academy.
In the next few weeks, our Year 11 and 13 students will begin their PPEs (pre-public examinations). This is an important opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning and receive vital feedback to secure and improve their attainment. I would like to praise all of the year 11 and 13 students who attended intervention sessions last module and in the half-term break. There was a fantastic atmosphere at these sessions, with students well focused and making progress. Please continue to encourage your child to attend their targeted interventions and also to revise at home.
We have been pleased to see this year that the majority of our students have been attending school regularly, correctly dressed and ready to learn. We continue to ask for your support in upholding the high standards that we expect from our young people. We aim for all students to have 95% attendance or above and will work with parents where attendance concerns occur. As an academy we expect all students to fulfil our values of respect, aspiration and care and to show this through their actions each day. This includes wearing the correct uniform, bringing in all necessary equipment (including a charged chromebook), treating other students and staff with respect and working hard in all lessons. We will continue to praise and reward those who demonstrate our values and meet expectations and will continue to correct and sanction those that do not.
I would again like to take this opportunity to thank you as parents for working with the school to ensure your child(ren) are given the best possible opportunities to reach their full potential.
Yours faithfully
Dr F Donkor | Principal