Half-term session, PPEs and Post-16

Longfield Academy Letter image.

Dear Parent/carer

Re: Half-term session, PPEs and Post-16

I hope this email finds you well. Students have worked hard this module and are looking forward to their half-term break. I am really impressed with how they have conducted themselves as a year group in this module and looking forward to them making this year a success. I just wanted to relay a few important points that I have passed on to students and wanted to ensure you are fully informed.

October half-term

As previously communicated, please find the general timetable. We only do the first week to allow students and teachers a well earned break. I have shared these with students via email and google classroom. List of student invites are posted to their google classroom so they can see what they have been invited to, next to their names. Please ask them to refer to these as I cannot currently share this with parents due to it containing other students’ information. I will endeavour to send a personalised copy to parents with their assigned session as soon as possible.

Sessions do start at 9.30am however the site will be open from 9am. We will provide refreshments during the day. Most sessions are by invite only OR the option subjects that students take. Therefore, please check the subjects on offer carefully. Students wear casual clothes for holiday interventions. 


  • AM session – 9.30-11.30 with 15 minutes break
  • PM session – 12-2pm with 15 minutes break

Year 11 Half Term Schedule

PPEs / Mocks – 1st set – November 2024

PPEs( pre-public examinations)  will be starting from November 18th and students will be given their own PPE timetable this week. Attached is their general PPE timetable. Students have had an assembly on expectations during the exams and on revision strategies.

PPE Schedule table


Students had an assembly on how to use KentChoices and other paths/routes beyond year 11. You should also receive a letter directly from KentChoices with the same information (copy attached) . Students were given out a physical copy of the brochure with open evening dates and information – Click here to see the digital copy

Our Post 16 information evening is on the 13th November. I have attached the letter from our Director of sixth form which went out to parents last week. 

Thank you for your continued support as parents/carers.  With your continued support and encouragement, we can maximise their potential together. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any further queries.

Navanya Shanthan | Assistant Principal Matisse College and Raising Standards Lead (Year 11/13)